• July 2013
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AP 536 | What Goes Around, Comes Around?

Source: Jornal Correio do Brasil

Translation: C. Brayton

Minister Robert Barroso, recently appointed to the Supreme Court, will act as the rapporteur of Penal Action 536 (AP 536), which has made no progress since its inauguration in 2009, following an investigation into illicit acts committed during the reelection campaign of then-governor and current federal senator Eduardo Azevedo (PSDB-MG).

A central figure in the trial of AP 470, known as the “monthly payola” case, [publicist] Marcos Valério [of the DNA agency] is also a central figure in the illegal campaign finance scheme of the Azevedo reelection, with the misuse of public resources and illegal donations as part of its fundraising strategy.

The case also involves five persons linked to the state-run electricity company, Cemig, one was linked to Comig (a state-owned mining company), one worked at Copasa (state-owned sanitation company) and two were employees of the printing plant Graffar, all of which are accused of participating in a criminal conspiracy to funnel Cemig funds to the Azevedo campaign.

In an indictment presented on November 20, 2007 to the Supreme Court, the attorney general said the criminal scheme designated by the press as the “big monthly payola of the PSDB” was “the origin and laboratory” of the scheme addressed in AP 470.

Barroso, who is assuming the seat left vacant by Ayres Brito, who faces compulsory retirement, will trade places with Supreme Court presiding justice in what is being called “the monthly payola of Minas Gerais.”

Barroso, a constitutional expert, was named by President Rousseff and his swearing in was attended by more than 1,500 guests from all branches of government.