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Spidermen | WIRE & Pajek

Screenshot from 2014-04-28 16:42:27

Random notes toward a digital ecology of the Americas.

Using the WIRE bot devised by a group of Chilean researchers, I was able to assemble — they call the stages harvesters, gatherers and seeders — I was able to teach myself a little bit about social network analysis, benefiting from the prodigious labors of the Three Slovaks behind Pajek (below) and the gephi workdesk. .


As seed URLs, I used three principal sources:

  1. The network of WAN-IFRA, the World Association of Newspapers, which peppers its Web site with many direct  links to its considerable membership.
  2. A modest but wide-ranging analysis of international NGOs and OSCIPs (Philanthropy) drawing on such projects as PR Watch, for the sake of balance.
  3.  A close reading of the shouting match that promises to between political rivals in this election year.


I will talk a bit about what these visual displays might  mean when I get unbusier.


Screenshot from 2014-04-27 13:04:37




My wife poked her nose into my work last evening making a bit of a mess of thing, but a subjective survey will have to do: starting seeds for fresh, growing businesses in a region context are more and more common.

Screenshot from 2014-05-06 16:25:36