• March 2011
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1954- 2011 | Gadfly Gunned Down! Cowardice in Copacana!

Portal IMPRENSA engages in some bare-faced guilt by association in a shooting incident on the world-famous Copacbana beach.

This morning, Ricardo Gama was shot in the Copacabana region of  Rio de Janeiro’s southern zone.

Known as a harsh critic of governor Sérgio Cabral and mayor Eduardo Paes, both of the PMDB, Gama was approached by criminal in a silver car and was shot three tiems, once in the head and twice in the abdomen. According to the Web site O Repórter, he was tended to by local residents and taken to the Copa d´Or Hospital.

Among more discerning circles, Gama is known as an hysterically inflammatory Tea Party-inspired agitprop artist.

The Agência Estado reports that the blogger is undergoing tests to see whether surgery will be needed.

Amazing, that the wounding of Carlos Lacerda in 1954 by Gregorio Fortunato, the fearsome head of presidential security for Vargas, should be recycled in this way for the Internet age. 

It is of course regrettable that anyone should be assaulted for exercising their right of free speech.

When and if there is evidence that the shooting of this gadly to the dominant PMDB in the Cesar Maia style was so related, wake me.