• May 2011
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Retool for Real Work, Vagabundo

I still cannot get Graphmind to work on my main Drupal site, but that it can work is proven by the instance running on the Learning Annex, above.

I have to think about re-retooling for real, paying work from an old client of mine in the near future. Less blogging, but on the other hand more cash on hand for spending with my cigar pusher in Moema, who has a fabulous deal on Partagas Series D, according to his latest e-mail circular.

The whole point of this exercise has been to see whether open source tools can help in real work like mine, and so it is with pride that I point to the utility, for exampe, of the dynamic timeline, courtesy of the SIMILE project at MIT-SAILS. I have set up,

  1. A tracking timeline of coverage of a media-driven scandal here in Brazil … the latest in a series going back to the 16th century
  2. A sociobibliography in the making of the literature on public diplomacy, propaganda, advertising and marketing, and international media development assistance
  3. The history — just the official data so far — of WPP, the world’s second largest advertising, PR and digital media group.

This thingamajig is fantastic. I could, if I wanted, set up a tracker for ever single ticker and name I am assigned to cover, for example, providing me with am overview of what has been said and written on the subject.

I can continue to expatiate on my theoretical interests — the Real Work is not one of those 16-hour per day office grinds, but rather telework from Planet Brasil.

Networks, markets and hierarchical bureaucracies — setting aside all apocalyptically exaggerated claims about electronic networks — are mutually subverting, but also potentially mutually supporting structures. This is the argument I am trying to make.

At any rate, I am having fun and may soon be getting paid again to do it. Ora pro nobis and Deus salve o oratório.