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Doubting Eike | OGX and the ANP


Source:  Portal ClippingMP.

Recent developments in the saga of Eike Batista, X-man, vertical integrator and rivaled only by the late Steve Jobs as the subject of magazine covers in which the  word “genius” gets thrown around a lot.

Valor obtains the views of a number of anonymous insiders. I translate mostly in order to familiarize myself with the technical jargon involved, so pardon any errors.

The National Petroleum Agency (ANP) of Brazil has not approved the OGX development plan for production at the Tubarão Azul –“Blue Shark” – field in the Campos basin.

It is now studying a new version of the plan submitted  on April 30. Blue Shark was the first well in the region to produce petroleum, but is due to halt production in 2014 for reasons of economic inviability.  A source at the federal agency told Valor that technical experts do not agree with estimates of the volume of oil located in the area. “ANP did not approve it at the time because it did not feel comfortable with the volume projections.”

Whereas a declaration of commerciality is a unilateral decision by the would-beproducers, effective production can only be calculated (1) based on ANP approval of the Development of Production Plan, or (2) when production constitutes so-called “first oil.”

At that point, a 27-year concession is granted.  If it has no commercial potential, the land in question is to be returned to the federal union.

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AfroReggae | Rio to the Rescue


Arson fire damages NGO hostel in “pacified” RIo shantytown. Drug trade is suspected.

Source: O Globo|  Clipping-MP,

Mayor Paes visits shantytown and announces that the city will continue the work of ofAfroReggae, which closed its doors recently on the orders of the drug traffic.

For background on the threat to one of Brazil’s highest-profile NGOs, see

New Address. Paes brought Renê Silva, editor of Voz da Comunidade – Voice of the Community — to the location on Morro do Adeus where the newspaper will establish its new headquarters.

Meanwhile, the city government will take over the social projects that have been run by the NGO AfroReggae in the Alemão complex, which serve 350 children.

The announcement came during a visit by the mayor to the area, where Paes donated a plot of land for the installation of the local newspaper , Voz da Comunidade (Facebook). The day before yesterday, AfroReggae coordinator José Júnior announced the NGO would close up shop in the Alemão on the orders of drug dealers in the community, which is ostensibly pacified under the UPP program.

The program`s Web page informs that the UPP program has been in force since May 2012.


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