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Current Content Downloads:”Moniz Bandeira and the Future of Latin America”

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Item: Moniz Bandeira e o futuro da América Latina « Le Monde Diplomatique

I mention it partly because my wife has recently had another short story published by the Diplo (above), and partly because I came away from my most recent dive into the world of sebos (second-hand books at first-hand prices) with a copy of Moniz Bandeira’s The United States Presence in Brazil (1973), which takes us from the early colonial period to the April Fools’ Day, 1964 overthrow of Goulart.

Among other works of the historian listed in that edition (Civilização Brasileira, Retratos do Brasil, No. 87) is his translation of the complete poetry of Ho Chi Minh (who was not as great a poet as he was, reputedly, a French chef).

Em entrevista na Argentina, historiador fala sobre o eixo EUA-Colômbia, as mudanças em Cuba e a Conselho de Defesa do Sul

In an interview in Argentina, the historian speaks of the USA-Colombia axis, the changes in Cuba and the Southern Defense Council.

(by Marília Arantes)

Pouco procurado pela imprensa brasileira, que tem pouco apetite pela profundidade, o historiador Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira concedeu há dias, ao jornal argentino Clarin, uma entrevista que merece atenção. Eis algumas de suas visões:

Not often sought for comment by the Brazilian press, which has little appetite for profundity, historian Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira recently gave an interview to the Argentine daily Clarín that is worth reading. Some of his insights:

> Sobre as causas da incursão colombiana no Equador e os riscos de tensões prolongadas na América do Sul:

On the causes of the Colombian incursion into Ecuador and the risk of prolonged tensions in South America:

A paz interna não interessa elite colombiana, que precisa manter-se em conflito para ganhar com ajuda externa dos EUA. Por isso, o difícil prever o fim da instabilidade entre vizinhos, na América do Sul. O ataque às FARC em território equatoriano teve o aval de Bush e pode estar relacionado com um objetivo geopolítico dos EUA: interromper o envolvimento da França (e de Nicolas Sarkozy) na região, visto como sombra à influência de Washington. Além disso, um acordo para liberação de reféns fortaleceria Chávez, que a Casa Branca quer ver pelas costas.

The domestic peace process does not interest the Colombian elites, who need to maintain the conflict in order to profit from U.S. aid. The attack on a FARC camp in Ecuadoran territory was backed by Bush and may be related to a geopolitical objective of the USA: interrupt France’s involvement in the region, which is seen as overshadowing Washington’s influence. Furthermore, a deal to free hostages would strengthen Chávez, whom the White House would like to see the last of.

> Sobre o futuro de Cuba:

On the future of Cuba:

Moniz Bandeira crê que, não haverá, sob governo Raul Castro, mudança estrutural – mas, sim, um processo gradual de abertura. Conduziria, como na China, a um capitalismo de Estado. Implicaria ampliar a relação da ilha com o Mercosul – em especial o Brasil (a Venezuela seria um parceiro insuficiente).

Moniz Bandeira believes that there will occur no structural changes under Raul Castro, but that there will be a gradual opening that will be conducive to a China-style state capitalism. This would imply broadening the island’s ties with the Mercosul — and especially Brazil (Venezuela would not be an adequate partner.)

> Sobre o Conselho de Defesa da América do Sul e as relações Brasil-Argentina

On the South American Defense Council and Brazil-Argentina relations.

Desde a guerra das Malvinas, os militares brasileiros mudaram seus cenários de guerra. Passaram a enxergar a hipótese de um conflito contra um país mais forte, do “bloco ocidental” (porém, do Norte). Isso ampliou a presença militar na Amazônia, que se tornou região muito sensível: qualquer ato hostil pode ser visto como motivo para guerra. Também distensionou as relações com a Argentina, vista então com o oponente mais provável.

Since the Malvinas-Falklands War, the Brazilian military has altered its war planning. It now focuses on the possibility of a conflict with a stronger nation, “from the Western bloc” (that is, from the North). It has increasd its presence in the Amazon, which has made the region extremely sensitive: Any hostile act might be seen as a casus belli. It has also broadened its ties with Argentina, once seen as the most likely enemy.

A recente iniciativa brasileira, em favor do Conselho de Defesa da América do Sul, reflete o surgimento, na diplomacia, de uma visão sul-americanista. Ele é viável e poderia isolar os EUA, em aliança estratégica com a Colômbia.

The recent Brazilian initiative in favor of a South American Defense Council reflects the emergence in the diplomatic sphere of a regional outlook for South America. This is a viable project and could isolate the USA and its strategic alliance with Colombia.

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Endless font of fascinating diplomatic anecdotes. One of my favorite have to with the whiff of scandal around a pair of shadowy spies named Bliss and Manlove during the war with Paraguay. Intimations in the yellow press that the local gringo proconsul auctioned off U.S. support to the highest bidder. Still reading …

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