• December 2009
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Whois BrasilEconomico.com.br?

Newswire opens at 7 a.m. and closes at 7:30 p.m., with news items transmitted = 0. And yet the new kid on the block is picking up steam.

Technical note: This post crashed in my browser (Swiftweasel Ubuntu Koala Dell Latitude) while using the WordPress insert image gizmo, and ate all my typing. Retyping because my client has not yet sent me any work today. Grrrr.)

Not to blow my own horn or anything, but once upon a time the Sousaphone actually blogged Brazilian business, in a non-euphuistic tone of voice:

Then I convinced someone to pay me money to feed this sort of thing into an expensive proprietary news service and I naturally stopped. Why give it away when you can get paid to do it?

I repeat:

It’s not like you blog-reading fools contribute to my household income, after all.

I e-mailed myself, from Gmail, an invitation to Gmail — given that my Web hosting service provides 999 e-mail addresses, I can go on doing this forever — then forwarded Google Mail Alerts to that account, creating one of my patented Open Source Bloomberg Boxes on names and tickers in the (top secret proprietary) coverage universe.

Does not work as well as you might think, but does sometimes catch items not caught by the customary morning brute-force scroll through RSS feeds.

Anyway, by this I just mean to say that studying the Brazilian biz media is both a hobby and a serious work-thing of mine. (Nice to get paid for doing something you like okay.)

So if I were still writing that daily news feed, I might well translate and gist something like this:

SÃO PAULO – A empresa de telefonia TIM projeta ganhos com sinergias de aproximadamente R$ 250 milhões ao ano a partir da integração da Intelig. A expectativa é de o processo de integração das redes seja concluído em um prazo de 100 dias e o retorno do investimento é esperado em menos de três anos. Ontem, o Conselho de Administração da TIM Participações aprovou a incorporação da Holdco, controladora da Intelig, e convocou assembleia de acionistas para apreciar a operação no dia 30 de dezembro.

TIM (Brazilian cellular division of the once spectacularly scandal-plagued Telecom Itália) is releasing details of its acquisition of Intelig, synergies, deal structure, yada yada. Dealbook kind of stuff.

Source: Valor Econômico. I would read it even if no one was paying me to.

(It has not yet devolved into the unfocused font of right-wing claptrap that is taking over the pages of the W$J:

… a fairly straightforward obituary about Ted Kennedy for the Web site was subjected to a little political re-education on the way to the front page. A new paragraph was added quoting Rush Limbaugh deriding what he called all of the “slobbering media coverage,” and he also accused the recently deceased senator of being the kind of politician who “uses the government to take money from people who work and gives it to people who don’t work.”


The Folha-Globo joint-venture business daily has not had any competition since the demise of the Gazeta Mercantil (Nelson Tanure).

Now, however, there is the online Brasil Econômico.

Whois Brasil Econômico? And should I add it to the OSBB?

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