• April 2011
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“Resistance Followed By Death” | Toward a Less Sambodian Sambodia

Via Brasília Confidencial, encouraging news:  the state government of São Paulo is under pressure to close a procedural loophole that for years has prevented crime scene investigation of fatal police shootings.

Police will shoot someone in the head, execution style, and then rush them to the hospital in an heroic attempt to save their life that supercedes such trifles as preserving the scene for CSI: Sambodia.

Human rights advocates have questioned why police killings have not abated at the same rate as the general homicide rate — and why incidents filed as “resistance followed by death” are still not being investigated as potential homicides.

This is just Sambodia going on being Sambodia. As I pointed out a month or so ago, the declining murder rate in Rio de Janeiro has more than been compensated for by the growth of “disappearance” cases over the last decade, according to it own statistics, for example.

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