• April 2011
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Rio | Moving Against Militias

The “batman” symbol used to mark “protected” homes doubled as the campaign symbol of city councilmember Natalino and his brother, a candidate for the state assembly.

Brasilianas.Org points out that G1 reports:

A “militia” group allegedly headed by Rio city councilmember André Ferreira da Silva (PR), known popularly as Deco, planned to assassinate state lawmaker Marcelo Freixo (PSOL) and Martha Rocha, chief of the state judicial police. This information has been confirmed by the state prosecutor’s office. The councilmember was arrested early this morning at home in Pechincha, in the Jacarepaguá neighborhood of the city’s northern zone.

Two others were also arrested. As he left his home under police escort, Deco said he was innocent and the victim of political persecution.

The crimes charged, prosecutors say, took place in 2009, when Martha Rocha headed the 28ª Precinct (Campinho), an area of militia activity, while Freixo chaired a parliamentary commission of inquiry into militia groups. Both received threats.

State secretary general of the Republic Party (PR), Fernando Peregrino, said the party was closely following the investigation. According to its spokesperson, the party will not act on the allegations until the case is settled in court.

Also in the early morning hours today, officers from DRACO, the anti-organized crime division,  searched Deco’s office at the Rio City Council. Material was taken back to headquarters for analysis as evidence.

80 Draco officers, supported by other specialized divisions and the intelligence branch of the state public safety secretary, the state prosecutors office and the Unified Internal Affairs office were in the area at 4:00 a.m. serving 14 arrest warrants for current and former police agents and 25 search warrants.

Investigations indicate the militia group controlled at least 13 communities in Praça Seca, Campinho, and Tanque, in the Western Zone, and Quintino in the suburbs.

The group is accused of armed racketeering and related crimes such as murder, concealment of a cadave, torture, rape, pirating of Internet and cable TV service, running a black market in cooking cgas and van service, running electronic gambling machines, among other charges.

My mother-in-law admires Freixo and votes PSOL. I can understand that.